Field Robotics


We are a motivated group of students from Bachelor to Phd level, who are keen on robotics. We spend our spare time in order to get prepared for different trials and competitions.
Hence we meet every two weeks and talk about rising ideas and currently problems in our robotic laboratory. Thus we discuss upcoming problems and how to solve them. In this meetings we decide which new functionalities should be implemented and split them up into smaller tasks which can be solved from a single person in reasonable time. Frequently performed runs in our arena are held to check the functionality of the robot.

Every student who participates the team acquires soft-skills and gains experience in practical work. During managing different tasks students get in contact with state of the art hardware, e.g. different types of manipulation and sensoring devices.  In order to fulfill new tasks completely new hardware components get embedded in the existing robot system by team members. In relation to this a lot of Bachelor and Master thesis influence our work. The team also offers the opportunity to get in touch with people owning a high knowledge according to robotics and artificial intelligence.